Before one of a series of concerts performed in December, 2007 by Neil Young at the United Palace Theatre, formerly Reverend Ike’s church, in New York City, the crowd was kept outside while the New York City Fire Department conducted an investigation at that location. One story circulating outside was that James Dolan was ticked off at Neil Young because he was not playing at one of Dolan’s Madison Square Garden venues and that he contacted his friends at the RCFD to report insufficient emergency exits for the event. The crowd waited patiently outside while showtime approached and at some point the NYFD gave it’s ok and the doors were opened. Afterward a story circulated that Donald Trump was a huge Neil Young fan who was also going to the concert, and that Trump called his then buddy Mayor Michael Bloomberg to call off the fire department so that the show could go off as scheduled. Fake news? I do not know for sure but it is an interesting story in these times in any event.
Rock on!